Relationship Trauma

In spite of age, the young adult is often experiencing trauma in the context of intimate relationships. Addictions or mental health issues frequently fuel issues of verbal, emotional or physical abuse, or victimization. Low self-esteem and impoverished expectations fuel repetitive self-defeating relationships. Unhealthy relationships strongly fuel relapse issues.

In some cases, problematic relationships are characterized as Love Addiction and/ or Love Avoidance. An intimacy disorder left untreated creates a foundation for long-term relationship problems.

Love Addiction

Love addiction is described as one person “loving” another person with an obsessive intensity that is not in the best interest of either party. Love addiction is a painful, compulsive and addictive disorder that negatively impacts both the addict but and also the object of his or her obsession. Love Addiction treatment at the Claudia Black Young Adult Center helps patients overcome the core issues and take steps towards experiencing healthy, fulfilling relationships.

What are the effects of love addiction?

  • Love addicts focus a tremendous amount of energy on romantic relationships—whether they are involved in one, looking for the next one or avoiding one.
  • They become involved in brief, intense romantic relationships.
  • If they are involved in long-term relationships, it is usually characterized by many highs and lows.
  • In some cases, love addicts completely withdraw from romantic or sexual relationships to avoid feelings of vulnerability.

Love Avoidance

The causes of love addiction are often rooted in childhood trauma. Individuals lacking self-esteem or who had less-than-nurturing childhoods may grow up looking for constant reassurance from others.

What are the effects of love avoidance?

Love avoidance is an inability or refusal to show love for someone for fear of being hurt. Love avoidants guard themselves in relationships. Such individuals avoid intimacy in order to protect themselves from rejection, loss, and the types of pain that can accompany intimate relationships.

  • What are the effects of love avoidance?
  • People who suffer from love avoidance:
  • Do everything they can to conceal their vulnerability from others, especially loved ones.
  • Have past experiences of feeling unwanted or unloved, which result in a need for excessive acceptance, praise and compliments from their spouses, partners or loved ones in order to enhance their self-esteem.
  • Act in extremes, such as taking steps to avoid meeting sexual and emotional needs, which can lead to self-destruction.
  • Become afraid of commitments and emotional attachments.

Learn To Build Healthy Relationships

No matter where your journey has taken you, the Claudia Black Young Adult Center treatment program can help. Don’t let previous experiences discourage you from a recovery that is possible. Take the first step by visiting us here or calling 877-463-7040 to find out how we can help.