Intense, sustained nervousness along with excessive worry
Intense, sustained nervousness along with excessive worry
Anxiety can cause intense, sustained anxiousness and nervousness along with excessive worry. These feelings go well beyond the typical kind of worry that is appropriate to life situations, and they are severe enough to interfere with day-to-day functioning in school, at work, or in social situations.
Additional symptoms of an anxiety disorder may include restlessness, a heart-pounding sensation, muscle tension and fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances, according to Understanding Anxiety Disorders, a guide produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Anxiety can negatively impact other areas of life, including relationships, so it’s especially important to address the condition. The good news is that anxiety is treatable. By engaging in treatment and entering recovery, people with an anxiety disorder can manage their symptoms, feel better, and lead a full, meaningful life.
There are three types of anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, and panic disorders. But what causes them? Researchers and healthcare professionals do not completely understand anxiety’s origin. It is unlikely that a single factor is to blame. The most likely cause is a combination of genetics, chemical or other changes in the brain, and environmental factors.
Trauma can contribute to the development of disorders like anxiety. It is also a root cause for addiction in general, especially sex addiction. During the treatment process, a high percentage of Willow House patients discover they have complex trauma. Addressing this helps not just to heal intimacy and relationship issues but also to improve anxiety and other co-occurring mental health conditions.
An anxiety disorder can be managed in several ways, but treatment often includes a combination of medication and therapy. Your healthcare provider can work with you to make treatment decisions based on individual health goals and priorities.
Medications (particularly a class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs) can help manage many of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. In milder cases of anxiety disorders, medication may not be necessary. Therapy or lifestyle changes (e.g., smoking cessation, decreased caffeine intake, regular exercise, or mindfulness exercises) may be sufficient to manage symptoms. Healthcare professionals may also recommend behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or other forms of psychotherapy as standalone treatment or in combination with medications depending on severity of symptoms. Peer and family support is also an important part of treatment for an anxiety disorder. Positive family members, caregivers, and peers can be part of a comprehensive treatment team.
The goal at Willow House at The Meadows is to help each client gain the courage to face difficult issues, heal from emotional trauma, overcome grief and loss, and become accountable for their own feelings, behaviors, and recovery.